At JNO Construction we don’t build houses, we build homes.

Call us on (310) 363-7980

Los Angeles, CA  

Mon - Fri 9 AM - 5 PM


Making Your Home Last a Lifetime

At JNO Construction & Design, we help homeowners throughout Los Angeles build their dream homes – and we strive to make those homes beautiful, functional, and long-lasting. A home is one of the most important investments you make in life, and if you’re building a new home or doing major remodels to an existing home, it’s important to take precautions early on to ensure that the new home or your new additions last a lifetime. With quality construction and proper repairs, a home can last a century – so here are a few tips for making sure your dream home lasts a lifetime.

Don’t Skimp on Materials

Building or renovating a home is costly, and it’s easy to be tempted to cut corners by buying cheaper materials. But beware: what seems like a quick savings right now can easily turn into years of recurring repairs, eating much more money in the long run. It’s always better to choose higher quality materials when building a home, even if they cost more. The extra cost will more than pay for itself in the years of longevity and avoiding extra repair work.

Perform Regular Home Maintenance

A long-lasting home isn’t just about designs and materials: it takes work to keep a home in good condition. As you live in the home, it’s important to perform regular checks and maintenance to ensure it’s always in great condition. Replace your roof every 20 years, and regularly check your home for signs of dry rot or other issues. With a proactive approach to maintenance, you can stop problems early on and keep your home strong for decades.

Hire a Quality General Contractor

Beyond just materials and designs, it’s absolutely critical to get a high-quality, experienced general contractor that you trust. Your contractor will be doing the majority of the work in building or renovating the home, and you need to be confident that their work is high-quality – after all, you’ll be living with it for decades to come! Only work with a contractor you truly believe in when building or renovating a house.

Contact Your Los Angeles Bathroom & Kitchen Remodeling Experts

Whether you want to upgrade your bathroom or kitchen, do major renovations on your existing house, or build a new home from the ground up, it’s important to keep these tips in mind to protect the longevity of your investment. If you’re looking for a contractor or just have a few questions about home renovations and remodeling, JNO Construction & Design would be thrilled to help. We’ve helped countless homeowners throughout Los Angeles build their dream homes, and we would love to do the same for you. Call us today at (310) 363-7980, reach out to us at our contact page, or request a free estimate today to find out how we can turn your ideas into a beautiful reality – and make it last the rest of your life.